Saturday, November 21, 2009


You know that saying- "When one door closes, another one opens"? Not really true. What if one door closes and then you go to another door and it gets slammed in your face? Then you're left in a tiny room with the walls closing in and no hope of getting out because there are no doors open to you. And you just want the nightmare to end so you can escape it all, but it won't and you have this intense feeling of claustrophobia that won't go away.. This is my world. I have no hope, no goal, nothing to strive for, and no hope that it will ever change. There is nothing I want anymore. Don't want my ex, she clearly is no good for me and wants to be as far away from me as possible. Don't want someone new. I mean why go through all that bullshit again? Don't have the drive to succeed at work anymore, I hate my job and hate being the bad guy. Totally not my style. So basically there is nothing for me and I should let the walls close in and crush me, doubt the world would notice..

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