Thursday, November 26, 2009

Unfinished Business

I think what bothers me most about this break up I've been going through is the fact that I feel like we had so much more to accomplish together. I mean there were so many things that we were supposed to do, but never got around to it. I never got to take her to a Broadway show. Never went away alone (not even for a weekend). Never went to a Yankee game together. I never got to do these cool romantic things for her that I was saving for "a special occasion".Hell, I never even sent her flowers. These were all things I took for granted, things that I KNEW we'd get to do together eventually. These were all things I wanted to share with her, but never found the time, and i truly regret it. Days turn into weeks and before you know it weeks turn into years. It never seemed to be the right time. Schedules didn't mesh, or money was a little tight, or we got into a silly fight. So time moved on and ran out and now I feel like we're left with all this unfinished business. So I guess the moral of the story is: If you feel something, go with it. If there's something you want to do, go ahead and do it. You never know what tomorrow may bring, and if you spend too much time waiting for tomorrow, you just might miss out on today. As someone special I know loves to say, every day is a gift. Don't throw it away wasting precious time, because you'll never get it back.......
That being said, today is Thanksgiving. A time to give thanks. So I would like to say Thank You to all those people who have touched my life. Thank you for all the highs (and lows) that have been brought my way, because without them, you aren't truly living. I am blessed to have come across some amazing people in my life, people I will never forget. And some people who have let me down and I've given too much. I thank them too because without them I wouldn't appreciate the friends I have today. So God Bless everyone. Goodnight.

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