Tuesday, December 8, 2009


So I found out recently that I'm switching stores. It's only for 6 weeks, but it adds about 30 minutes to my commute. Initially this upset me. I mean there were so many reasons for it to bother me. Besides the commute, there was this feeling of being expendable. I mean of all the managers in the region, why am I the one that can be replaced so easily? But after re-evaluating the situation and taking the time to let it sink in, I've come to realize that maybe this isn't the worst thing after all. Maybe this is an opportunity for a fresh start, to go where no one knows me. A chance to give people a better first impression than i gave RVC. And not to fall victim of the same stupid pitfalls that have plagued my experiences so far. I can learn from these mistakes and try again, like a mulligan in golf, an occupational do-over. And hopefully this time will be better and I can bring that back to my store and be more of the person I want to be, knowing full well that time and space can undo some of my mistakes, and I can go back to being a manager I can be proud of. I know I'm good at what I do, now it's time to prove it. Again. I welcome the challenge...

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